We welcome patients who live within the practice boundary to register with the practice. As we are family practitioners we prefer to register whole families with the practice. A map of the practice area is contained within this website.
All patients will need to have their NHS number to hand, find your NHS number here
Named Accountable GP information
There are 2 ways to register with the practice:
- On line pre-registration
- In person registration
1. On line pre-registration
Step 1:
If you wish to pre-register with the practice click on the link below to open the form. When you have completed all of the details, click on the “Send” button to mail your form to us. You will get a reference number upon successful submission, which you need to supply with the medical questionnaires detailed below.
When you register with the practice you will also need to complete a medical questionnaire. This is because it can take considerable time to receive your medical records from your previous practice. The forms can be downloaded and completed to be brought to the practice, with the other requirements in Step 2. Note there is a different version of the form for all children (0 to 16 years.)
New patient questionnaire (DOCX, 130KB)
New patient questionnaire (children) (DOCX, 107KB)
Step 2:
You will need to visit any of the three surgeries, to provide your identification, along with the questionnaires mentioned above. You will need to provide (for every patient) one form of photographic ID (which must be in date) and one confirmation of address (which must usually be within the last 6 months) as follows:
Photographic ID (must be in date)
Confirmation of address ID (within last 6 months only)
Current valid Passport
Utility bill (not mobile phone)
Current Driving Licence (UK)
Council tax Bill
Bus Pass
HMRC Document eg P45/P60
Student Card
Paper driving licence (or photo driving licence if NOT used for photographic ID)
Biometric Residence Permit
Mortgage/Bank Statement
Please note – for ALL children, a copy of the Long (full) Birth Certificate is required.
This is not an exhaustive list – speak to reception if you have queries.
Once the practice has your pre –registration form, your medical questionnaire and identification, the registration can proceed. You may be offered an appointment for a new patient medical check with the practice nurse, doctor or other clinician.
Please note - if identification is not provided within one calendar month of your original submission to join, we will shred the application on the assumption that you no longer wish to register with us.
2. In Person Registration
Please contact your nearest surgery, having confirmed that you live within the practice area.
You will be provided with a Registration Form (GMS1) and new patient medical questionnaire. You need to complete these and provide the identification listed in Step 2 above.
Please avoid first thing in the morning for registrations – reception are busy with early surgeries and this will avoid you needing to wait unnecessarily.
Once the practice has your pre –registration form, your medical questionnaire and identification, the registration with the practice can proceed.
Practice Area