Virtual Patient Group (VPG)
If you have access to the Internet, please consider joining our Virtual Patient Group.
Why we need a Virtual Patient Group
As detailed on the PPG page of this website, the Patient Participation Group has been supported by a committee of patient representatives for some time now. However, whilst we have tried to maintain a committee that is representative of the full practice patient list, it has become apparent that we are unable to be fully representative of practice patients from the different gender, ethnicity and age groups and also the different areas the practice serves. Therefore, as it is essential that the Patient Group can easily communicate with a much wider patient group we have agreed to launch a Virtual Patient Group.
By becoming a Virtual Member the Patient Group, will communicate with you by email to keep you up to date with events. We will ask that you visit the Downs Way Medical Practice website where we will update you on the views and comments collected from members of the Virtual Patient Group regarding the services provided by the Practice and also any changes that have been established following your comments and suggestions. It is planned to conduct all our patient surveys on-line, because this will enable us to significantly reduce the cost associated with performing and analysing patient surveys, Our on line surveys will be short so it shouldn't take too much of your time.
How to join
Please email the VPG, with your name and date of birth. Before an applicants name and details are added to the Virtual PG contact data base, the Medical Centre administrative staff have to verify the applicant is a patient of the Medical Centre.
Small business cards with the VPG email address are available at all surgeries.
Once we have received your information and it has been verified you will receive an email informing you that you are a member of the Downs Way Medical Practice Virtual Patient Group and you will receive news information and occasional requests to complete short surveys from the practice.
Please note the VPG email should not be used to request personal information, or to make a formal complaint. Complaints may be made via the make a complaint section on the website or by calling the surgery.